No one in the League is quite sure where he came from, or why Ophelia Himmle finds him so interesting. Not that these questions occupy them all that much, generally they only pay him enough attention to tell if he is going to try to blow anything up too close to their chairs during tea. They are fairly certain that he is quite mad, but don’t find that sufficient reason to look down their noses, particularly when they have the much more suitable excuses of his being theoretically younger and more male than they, already.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse
Ophelia’s nephew, ward, and resident equivalent to a medieval serf. Undersecretary to the Office of Avatar Affairs, not that he quite understands what that means, even though he came up with the name himself.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse
Ophelia’s apprentice and accomplished toilet-paper-mancer.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse
Ethmer’s younger brother and self-declared artificer of the league. He faithfully follows the traditions of the great umbrella-slingers of the West, though no one actually knows why. He also sports a close working relationship with Herbert Von Schnapsleheimer, who remains the only person to this day that never needed to ask what steam powered socks were for.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse
Resident avian enthusiast of the league, he keeps track of all the associated bird affairs, or at least does his best; he has a tendency to become distracted by his own personal projects at the oddest moments.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse
One of the last Bath Knights, guardians of the ancient hot springs and charged with the protection of Britain’s physical health. She arrived on our shores years ago, on holiday, and decided to stay on and battle gout in this savage land.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse

Lady champion of defenestration, a title which Harriet Lycanthrope severely resents, she is Ophelia’s approximate right hand and the League’s most formidable warrior. It is, in fact, rumored that she received early training from none other than the suffragettes, though she has never expressed an opinion on the subject one way or another.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse
Constructor, tender, and interpreter of the Total Scarf, she lives in the chambers situated above her husband’s old wool shop. The fact that it was sold to a third party at the event of her husband’s death, some ten years previously, has completely failed to impress her as a valid reason to find alternate lodgings, and the present owner possess sufficient instincts of self preservation not to press the point.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse
Long time partner to Ophelia Himmle in her endless quests to understand the nature of umbralites and the universe in general and the only League member privy to the intimate details of Ophelia’s mysterious “Avatar Project.” Though, this was mostly due to her habit of not muttering an excuse and running for cover whenever the League’s venerable leader appeared with a fist full of notes and a manic gleam in her eyes. It is popularly believed that it was over exposure to Ophelia’s pet project that finally induced her to leave the League and all but vanish from their knowledge.
Oracle of the Closet Illustrator, Seals, Umbraverse